Five ways to create a self-care sanctuary at home or work

While some people are able to zone out from the world and tune in to themselves with impressive ease (whether they're on a bus packed with passengers or plonked in a chaotic family living room), the rest of us often need a little more help. This is where a designated tranquillity zone can play a key role in your self-care practice. Just as placing a full water bottle on your desk can prompt you to drink more water during your workday, a self-care space in the corner of the living room, your bedroom, the garden, or even in your workplace, can motivate you to enjoy more Me Time. It's also a great way to inspire others in your home or at work to establish a self-care ritual of their own. For example, your quiet zone can double as a calm-down corner for a toddler to take five, a chill-out refuge for a teenager, or somewhere for colleagues to take a break from their screens. We take a look at five ways you can tap into your senses to curate a self-care space.

Fill the air with a calming scent

Research has shown that certain smells can not only trigger positive memories but also help relieve anxiety and stress. Rose can be calming, lemongrass can help soothe tension and lavender can promote relaxation. Pop a few drops of your favourite essential oil in a Banksia Aroma Pod or SOL Aroma Diffuser and let your sense of smell work its magic.

Banksia scent pot for natural fragrance

Think about the visuals

There are some things that make us feel peace and joy from simply looking at them – maybe a framed photo of your special people or place or a couple of candles to create calming mood lighting.

Integrate the therapeutic power of touch

Imagine a soft cotton and bamboo eye mask draped across your lids, a lavender-scented heat pack soothing your tired body and a recycled wool blanket keeping you cosy. Rub a little naturopathically formulated Calm Balm into your skin or turn your bath into a day spa with scented bath bombs, Calm Flower bath salts or a soothing clay face mask.


Tune in to tune out

Relaxing sounds can help you to focus inwards – search your preferred streaming platform for meditation music, nature sounds or instrumental pieces. Reading affirmations out loud can also have a huge effect on your self-love practice, so try Kate Knapp's beautifully illustrated boxes of affirmations A Little Box of Serenity or A Little Box of Joy. Parents encouraging self-love in their children could try I Am Peace or A Handful of Quiet.


Embrace your sense of taste

Gustation can also be integrated into your self-care practice, as taste can help bring your awareness to the present moment. Treat your taste buds to an indulgent mug of hot chocolate or a cup of Calming herbal tea.

Choose any of the ideas listed above that speak to you and, with regular practice, you'll be able to turn your self-care goals into long-term self-love habits.

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This post is part of Biome's 'Love You For You' month of celebrating self-love and care.


Read more in the series

You Are Your Valentine

Self Love Isn't Selfish

Our Favourite Self Care Illustrations

Using Jojoba Oil Products for Self Care

How to Make Homemade Bath Bombs


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